One of the MAJOR assignments of any TRUE pastor is to tell people RAW Truth. Anything we do in life and it does not land us in Heaven was a waste of life. Christian life that is UNCHANGED is a USELESS WASTE OF EFFORT. What is the use of being in church everyday and then ending up in hell with those who didn't go to church at all? That means you are wasting your ATTENDANCE of church. Anybody that knew you before you ever met Jesus should look at you now and the only thing your life reminds them about is CHRIST. People should look at YOU and your life convicts them of sin. That is to say, for sinners to feel at home around you is an abomination. One of the worst things that can happen to any church person is to become a tool in the hand of SATAN. In this END TIME, there is too much flesh marketing- The tighter, the better- Tight at the back, Tight at the Side, Tight at the Chest, so that we can properly market flesh. Instead of us advertising our SPIRITUALITY, we are a generation of people advertising our CARNALITY. It is so painful for the father to see his children who sing and clap to his name's glory coming before his presence everyday with their Bad Characters INTACT. When you see a Real Godly person, there is a look they carry- an appearance in personae; Also if yhu see an an UNGODLY person, there is a look What you LOOK AT, determines what you LOOK LIKE. If we want to look like CHRIST, then we should look at CHRIST.
The Essence of Christianity is ONE- Change into the nature of Christ.
Dr. Paul Enenche
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